Support schedule

The courses on the platform are supported by a group of awesome teaching assistants (TAs). The TAs are available to help you with any questions you might have about the course content or assignments.

The TAs are available on the (unofficial) Slack channel of the platform, which can be accessed through the chat bubble available at the top of the navigation menu for each course.

TAs check for help requests and perform project reviews on the following times:

Note that not all TAs are available at all times. Hence, if you have a question, please ask it on the public channel. Otherwise, it might take up to a week (or more, depending on the backlog), for a specific TA to answer.

When asking questions, ask them on the public channel so that others will also benefit from the answers. Please send private messages only when a TA asks you to do so.

Fall 2024

During the Fall 2024, TAs are available on online on Wednesdays and on campus on Fridays as follows.

T5 is in the Aalto CS Building.

The support hours are intended for the courses on this platform. TAs may be able to help with issues related to other courses as well, but they may not be able to help with all issues.